Commissions Are Open

Oil Painting, Watercolor Painting, Charcoal, graphite and ink Illustrations of animals, wildlife, fantasy, sci-fi and horror.

Pay in full at first or you can pay half at first and then half when commision is done.
Email subscribers will be notified and emailed a submission form. If you would like to request a commission, please subscribe to my email mailing list below.
Thank you!
Oil Paint
11 x 14" : $250.00
16 x 20" : $500.00
18 x 24" : $750.00
9" x 12" : $150.00
11" x 14" : $250.00
16" x 20" : $300.00
18" x 24" : $500.00
9" x 12" : $75.00
11" x 14" : $140.00
16" x 20" : $200.00
18" x 24" : $260.00
24" x 36" : $320.00

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